Mathematics BSc
General information
General information
General information for students in Mathematics BSc
The aim of BSc studies is to prepare the
students for the Masters courses both
in pure
and applied mathematics. The so called Bologna
system started in 2006 at our university. This
system makes possible to take courses at other
universities in the European Union.
The language of teaching is Hungarian. However,
there is
a program
for international students in English, assembled
from our BSc courses. On the same page you can
find information on the Mathematics MSc courses,
which are also offered in English.
The list of all BSc courses
Here (as well
as in the menu above) you can find the
description of all the courses: syllabus,
literature, prerequisites, requirements, number
of credits. Courses can be compulsory, optional
or recommended. One semester consists of 13
study weeks and an examination period. The
semesters given in the table are only
recommendations: you can do the courses in other
semesters, too, assuming that you meet all
the prerequisites.
You have to select a specialization after
completing the core courses (during the first
two semesters).
- Pure mathematics. Gives a deep introduction into theoretical mathematics. Prepares for graduate studies in pure mathematics, with a Ph. D. school in sight, and to a career in mathematical research. A high degree of problem solving talent is required to complete the courses. If your interests point to a different direction (informatics, theoretical financial mathematics, physics), but you feel that you need very deep foundations in mathematics, then this specialization is also for you.
- Applied mathematics. The courses have a practical orientation, the theoretical material is smaller than in pure mathematics courses, and is dominated by the requirements of the main applications. This specialization is for students who are interested in developing creative applications, which involve mathematics.
After completing all six semesters, you get a
diploma of BSc in Mathematics.
Form of education
There are lectures and practice classes,
possibly in a computer laboratory. For a given
course, the lectures and the practice classes
have different enrollment criteria, they have
separate grades (and separate course codes). The
practice classes are organized in small groups
of approximately 20 students. Their main
objective is to help you understand the
theoretical material via problem solving.
Office hours
During the office hours (two hours per week)
the instructors can help you with your questions
concerning the material of the given
course. Many teachers are also willing to answer
questions in email, or give additional
opportunities for discussions.
Exams and tests
Practice classes
Normally two midterm tests determine your
grade. The requirements may also include
preparing homework assignments.
From the theoretical material there is an exam
in the examination period, which can be a
combination of an oral exam and a written test.
In order to enroll in a course you have to meet
its prerequisites. There are two types:
- Course X is a strong prerequisite of course Y, if X must be completed before enrolling in Y.
- Course X is a weak prerequisite of course Y, if X must be completed successfully before completing course Y, but you can enroll in them during the same semester. For example, the practice class of each course is a weak prerequisite of the lecture of the same course (you have to get a passing grade from the practice class in order to take the exam).
Course codes
Each course has a code of 9 characters or
more. The 5. character
is 1 for lectures
and 2 for practice
classes. Character 8 is the recommended
semester. The 9. character
is m for pure math
courses and a
for applied math courses. For example, the
code mm1c2an3a
means the practice class
of Analysis 3 in
the third semester.
BSc thesis
The purpose of the thesis is to give you an
opportunity to delve deeply into a mathematical
subject with the help of a supervisor. In
applied mathematics, this can also be a computer
project for some practical application.
Final comprehensive exam
This oral exam is at the end of your BSc
studies. Its main objective is to give you an
opportunity to demonstrate to the examination
committee the view of mathematics you
acquired. As a part of this exam, you have to
defend your BSc thesis.